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Building Pipelines

Pipelines can be built in 3 ways:

  • By directly creating queues and processors, and bonding them together. This is rather low-level and is not the recommended way
  • By using a PipelineBuilder. This object provides a fluent API that's convenient and very simple. This is the recommended way to created pipelines in code
  • By using the method pipelineFromRecipe offered by the Queues Factories supporting pipelining. This allows a whole pipeline to be defined in a set of strings and therefore in external files; this makes pipelines portable, reproducible and totally cluster-ready

Direct Pipeline Creation

This is a quite simple approach: you create the queues, then you create the Processors that would glue them. Processors take the constructors from the queues they use, so it's rather straightforward:

cosnt async = require ('async');

const MQ = require ('../../../backends/pl-mongo');
const DCT = require ('../../../Pipeline/DirectLink');
const SNK = require ('../../../Pipeline/Sink');
const CHC = require ('../../../Pipeline/ChoiceLink');

function sink_process (elem, done) {
// define processing for Sinks

const factory_opts = {
// ...

// initialize factory
MQ (factory_opts, (err, factory) => {
if (err) return console.error (err);

// factory ready, create queues on default pipeline
const q_opts = {aaa: 666, b: 'yy'};

async.parallel ({
q1: cb => factory.queue ('pl_many_q_1', q_opts, cb),
q2: cb => factory.queue ('pl_many_q_2', q_opts, cb),
q3: cb => factory.queue ('pl_many_q_3', q_opts, cb),
q4: cb => factory.queue ('pl_many_q_4', q_opts, cb),
q5: cb => factory.queue ('pl_many_q_5', q_opts, cb),
}, (err, queues) => {
if (err) return console.error (err);

// tie them up:
const dl1 = new DCT (queues.q1, queues.q2);
const cl1 = new CHC (queues.q2, [queues.q3, queues.q4, queues.q5]);
const sk1 = new SNK (queues.q3);
const sk2 = new SNK (queues.q4);
const sk3 = new SNK (queues.q5);

sk1.on_data (sink_process);
sk2.on_data (sink_process);
sk3.on_data (sink_process);

cl1.on_data (function (elem, done) {
// define processing for the ChoiceLink

dl1.on_data (function (elem, done) {
// define processing for the DirectLink

// start the whole lot
sk1.start ();
sk2.start ();
sk3.start ();
cl1.start ();
dl1.start ();

// pipeline is ready now. Push stuff to queues, see it work

See Processors for all the available options and features (such as processing functions and error management)

Creation with a PipelineBuilder

PipelineBuilder provides a simpler way to create pipelines using a fluent api. Builders are obtained through factory.builder() and offers the following methods:

  • pipeline(name): initializes a pipeline, passing a name to it. Must be called before any other method, and can be called only once
  • queue(name, opts): creates a queue and adds it to the pipeline
  • directLink (name_src_q, name_dst_q, process_fn): creates a DirectLink linking queues src_q and dst_q (specified by name), using the process function process_fn
  • choiceLink(name_src_q, [name_dst_q1, name_dst_q2, ...name_dst_qn], process_fn): creates a ChoiceLink linking src_q and the array of dst_q (specified by name), using the process function process_fn
  • sink(name_src_q, process_fn): creates a Sink on queue src_q (specified by name), using the process function process_fn
  • onError(fn): sets the error event handler for all processors created in the pipeline. As with the error handler for Processors, fn will receive a single param with the error; in this case the error will be augmented by adding an extra field processor, which will be a reference to the Processor object originating the error
  • done(err, pipeline): finished the pipeline creation. No other calls can be done to the builder afterwards. In case of error, the error will be passed in err; if all went well err will be null and the newly created pipeline, an object of type Pipeline, will be passed in the pipeline; all further interactions with the pipeline will happen through this object

Pipepine object

The new Pipeline object exports the following methods:

  • start(): starts the pipeline (simply calls start() on all processors)
  • stop(): stops the pipeline (simply calls stop() on all processors)

Here's a simplified example (for a complete, working example see here):

MQ (factory_opts, (err, factory) => {
if (err) return console.error (err);
const q_opts = {};

.builder ()
.pipeline ('the-pipeline')
.queue ('test_pl_1', q_opts)
.queue ('test_pl_2', q_opts)
.queue ('test_pl_3', q_opts)
.queue ('test_pl_4', q_opts)
.queue ('test_pl_5', q_opts)
.directLink ('test_pl_1', 'test_pl_2', dl_process)
.choiceLink ('test_pl_2', ['test_pl_3', 'test_pl_4', 'test_pl_5'], choice_process)
.sink ('test_pl_3', sink_process)
.sink ('test_pl_4', sink_process)
.sink ('test_pl_5', sink_process)
.onError (console.log)
.done ((err, pl) => {
if (err) return console.error (err);
// pipeline pl is ready
pl.start ();
// pipeline pl is running

Creation with Factory.pipelineFromRecipe

Factory.pipelineFromRecipe provides a way to define pipelines entirely from strings, including queue, processors, the functions to be used as process functions and all the code used on those functions. In this way a full, self-contained pipeline can be specified in a file or set of files

Under the hood it uses node.js VM module to create the Pipeline object: once created it can be used normally outside of the creation VM

Factory.pipelineFromRecipe is provided only on factories created from backends with pipelining support. This single method take the following parameters:

Factory.pipelineFromRecipe (
  1. A new VM is created using the merge of the default context and the parameter extra_context. The default context contains the following:
    • Buffer
    • require
    • clearImmediate, clearInterval, clearTimeout, setImmediate, setTimeout, setInterval
    • TextEncoder, TextDecoder
    • URL, URLSearchParams
    • builder: an already initialized builder object, as in factory.builder ().pipeline (name)
    • done: a function to call when the pipeline is ready, or an error arises. Expects to be fn (err, pipeline)
  2. Each of the strings in the array_of_bootstrap_code is executed in the VM
  3. Each of the strings in the array_of_setup_code is executed in the VM. It is expected to eventually call done with the error or the finished pipeline (doneis accessible in the context)

The whole idea is to prepare all the needed code for processors' functions in the array_of_bootstrap_code, then create the pipeline in the array_of_setup_code, calling the done function with the created pipeline

You can find a full example here