- v2.0.3
- avoid bizarre concurrency bug on simultaneous table creation on postgres
- v2.0.2
- fixed bug in QFactory.recreate_topology()
- v2.0.1
- fixed bug in QFactory.recreate_topology()
- v2.0.0
- updated deps
- added postgreSQL backend
method is now asynchronous, and requires a callback
- v1.7.4
- v1.7.3
- v1.7.2
- v1.7.0:
- added stream-mongo backend
- v1.6.14:
- fixed typo bug at redis-pubsub signaller introspection
- v1.6.13:
- added some more information to Queue.status(), pertaining the queue-factory
- v1.6.12:
- use mongodb driver v4 (v4.5.0), which forced a small number of internal changes
- use ioredis v5
- v1.6.11
- better hdrs management on passing messages to deadletter
- v1.6.10
- updated deps
- add 'deadletter' to stats, for elements moved to deadletter queue
- v1.6.9
- fix glitch in remove item on tape mongo (ps-mongo)
- v1.6.8
- added remove-by-id support
- v1.6.7
- small fix on deadetter signalling
- v1.6.6
- added reserve, commit, rollback counters to stats
- fixed mongo-driver deprecation
- v1.6.5
- v1.6.4
- v1.6.3
- added support for headers (along with payload)
- v1.6.2
- payload can be of type object, string, number of buffer
- v1.6.1
- added Docusaurus based documentation
- fixed deps' vulnerabilities
- v1.6.0
- added sane defaults for stats and signal for mongodb-based backends (using mongo stats and signal)
- added pipeline builder
- added ability to create a full pipeline from text (making it trivial to be stored in file)
- v1.5.12
- corrected small pipeline-related issues
- v1.5.11 (void)
- v1.5.10
- pipelines overhaul
- mubsub change to @nodebb/mubsub
- v1.5.9:
- added some complete, meaningful examples
- v1.5.8
- v1.5.7
- v1.5.4:
- added pause support
- deps updated
- v1.5.3:
- use mongodb driver v3.2 (was v2.2)
- v1.5.2
- added bucket-based backends: 2 backends using buckets/buffering on top of mongodb