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Signaller API

Signaler factory

Signaller factory is passed to queues either in queue creation or in backend init, inside opts.signaller. Note that the result for the new operation is indeed the factory; the result of the require is therefore a metafactory.

var signal_redis_pubsub = require ('keuss/signal/redis-pubsub');

var local_redis_opts = {
Redis: {
port: 6379,
host: 'localhost',
db: 6

var f_opts = {
signaller: {
provider: signal_redis_pubsub,
opts: local_redis_opts

MQ (f_opts, (err, factory) => {
// queues created by factory here will use a redis pubsub signaller, hosted at redis at localhost, db 6

The signaller has no public api per se; it is considered just a piece of infrastructure to glue queues together.