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Install & run

As Docker Container

Easiest way is to use the docker image available at docker hub:

docker run --rm -d --net host --name keuss-server pepmartinez/keuss-server:1.6.8

The docker image comes with a default (suitable for test & demo) configuration which requires both a redis server and a mongodb server running in localhost (hence the --net host).

You can access the web gui at https://localhost:3444 (user test1, pass test1). You will see no queues upon start, since queues are created on demand when they're accessed

You can provide your own config by mounting the directory containing it as /usr/src/app/etc; if you use a non-local redis/mongodb server you might prefer to loose the --net host and publish the REST, AMQP and STOMP ports instead:

docker run --rm -d -p 3444:3444 -p 5672:5672 -p 61613:61613 -v /opt/ks/etc:/usr/src/app/etc --name keuss-server pepmartinez/keuss-server:2.1.0

As node.js package

As an alternative it is also possible to install the node.js package directly:

npm install keuss-server

then, edit the config.js file at will and run node index.js.